Artist’s notes:
A lil somethin’ from last week =v=
Twilight loved to teach Hex new spells and basically anything magic-related, and Hex enjoyed it too until she got older and annoyed at her mother being interested mostly in magic. During her early teenage years she starts spendig a lot more time with Luna and Equity (and a bit later with the other next-gens).
Buuuuut for now lets just enjoy that cute hyped face XD
Backgroud uded: fav.me/d6ycggm
Art (c) me
MLP:FIM (c) :iconfyre-flye:
A lil somethin’ from last week =v=
Twilight loved to teach Hex new spells and basically anything magic-related, and Hex enjoyed it too until she got older and annoyed at her mother being interested mostly in magic. During her early teenage years she starts spendig a lot more time with Luna and Equity (and a bit later with the other next-gens).
Buuuuut for now lets just enjoy that cute hyped face XD
Backgroud uded: fav.me/d6ycggm
Art (c) me
MLP:FIM (c) :iconfyre-flye:
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