Harmonism the main religion in Equestria that is based off of Buddhism and Taoism, as well as some inspiration from Megami Tensei. The core belief is that all life is connected and serves a purpose by a higher sense of power known as “Harmony” that balances all things in the universe. There are two divisions of Harmony known as “Chaos” and “Order”. From these two divisions, souls are born and return when they die.
Those born of “Chaos” are those who promote and behave in terms of freedom of choice, emotions over logic, and action over words (Someone like Rainbow Dash for example). Of course those of Chaos can lead to a vast amount of suffering and anarchy (Discord).
Those born of “Order” are those who promote and behave in terms of peaceful nature, laws and rules, and total control (Rarity). However, those of the extreme side can take things into dictatorship and elitism (Starlight)
Each person is born to a destiny that they themselves do not know is given to them, but is hinted in their Cutie Marks. Completing this destiny before they die allows them to return to “Harmony” upon death with the feeling of satisfaction and peace. Those who do not, or are prevented from completing it, are reincarnated and given a new destiny.
Should one side of Harmony be overwhelming the other, those born in the opposite side will appear on earth aka too much Chaos will have more Order beings born.
This faith is not the single faith of Equestria, but it is the dominate one. Vampires follow this, believing themselves to me more “Chaos” but others follow a vampire religion called Bloddhism.
Drawn by Gray/Terminus: terminuslucis.deviantart.com
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