“Well, we have the alchemy textbook for the 2nd level students. ‘Alchemy 201: Alchemy and the Effects on the Body’. I’m afraid we don’t have any older editions of that so it’ll be full price. On the other hoof we have an older version of ‘A Treatise on Zebra Theology’ if you’d like that. They just recently came out with a new edition so we have plenty of them.” The zebra storekeeper says, “They cost 114 Rand and 56 Rand respectively. As for ingredients, we have lot’s, more than you can imagine, or even legally purchase. It all depends what you want.”
Emerald doesn’t know what a ‘Rand’ is, but considering the context he guesses that it’s the currency of the region. He asks if they’ll take bits.
“We do, but I’ll have to check the exchange rate really quick. If you’ll excuse me.” The zebra says. He then walks away and up a small flight of stairs.
“Hey, this one is in Pony!” Ruby says, looking at the book on Zebra Theology. She then starts to look through it.
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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