
“So, wanna come with me, or should I give you a message when I’m done?” Joyride says, holding out a hoof.
Emerald says that he wants to make sure the slave business ends here.
“If you want to keep up to date about it ask someone here to write you letters.” Joyride says, standing up, clearly ready to head out.
Emerald looks around. Perhaps because of the sound of the conversation, the ponies around them have been awakening one by one. Emerald spots Sugar Cane sit up and yawn. After asking for Joyride to wait a moment, Emerald approaches the waitress.
“Hmm? Can Ah help ya, honey?” Sugar Cane says, holding back a yawn.
Emerald says that they are going to be leaving soon, and that he would appreciate it if she could keep him up to date about the investigations on the slavers. She agrees to, and they swap addresses and information to be sure they can keep in touch.
“Ah wish Ah could make yew something nice for dinner before yew left, but mah kitchen is gone… Hey, Ah’m a gonna go visit mah husband today. Come by later and give us a proper goodbye!” Sugar says with a wide smile.
Emerald says he will, and then returns to Joyride. The unicorn prods Ruby until she wakes up, and then they all make off. Joyride leads they way, having been told the address of the destination by Nishan and Loupe.
As they walk, Joyride stops in front of a store selling coffee.
“Hey, how about some breakfast?” Joyride says.
They enter, and Joyride goes straight for the counter and order some breakfast. That’s not the end of everything the unicorn wants to buy.
“What sort of beans would you get a pony who never stops drinking coffee.” She says.
The shopkeep, who to Emerald’s slight surprise is another pony says, “Oh we all have sorts of beans? Do you want a blend or flavored coffee? Perhaps single origin? We sell tea as well.”
“Ah jeez. Go find something nice for a pony who likes coffee too much while I figure this out. You’ll need a present too.”
End of Chapter 49!
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