Nicknames: Ana, Cici, Nana and weaver
Parents: Discord and Zecora
Siblings: Witches Brew
Race: Draconeques/pony
Likes: Being along, relaxing in the Everfree and weaving magic.
Dislikes: Hid dad, visitors and flying
Personality: Anansi is a loner, preferring to be alone to weave his own brand of chaotic magic. Unlike his sister, his relationship with his father is not loving or close. He dislikes others in general but can tolerate his mother because she teaches him new and unique magic than nopony can make. He can usually be found curled up in a tree somewhere.
Bio: All he knows about his birth was that it was very unplanned.
Note: His magic is unique and rare yet very few know about it. Those who do know, stay silent and those he’s used it on are unconsciously wary of him. Hence why he doesn’t venture out of the Everfree very often.
Suggestions for colors appreciated. ZecoraxDiscord child