Race: unicorn
Parents: Applejack and Flim
Siblings: N/A
Friends: Tranquil Spring and Chocolate Cheesecake
Special somepony: She has a crush but will not admit to who it is.
Cutiemark: a bit between two apple slices
Sex: Female
Likes: making bets, making money and haggling
Dislikes: losing, staying still and marbles
Personality: She is quite the smooth talker. She is fast paced, clever and tends to bargain. The only ones she can’t out talk is her parents, who tell her constantly that she she shouldn’t try to sell their wares at such a high price but Sweet wants her parents to be well off. Despite being a kind mare, she has a mischievous side to her. She likes to gamble and make bets. She only loses to Chocolate Cheesecake and tends to avoid him because of it.
Note: She’s good friends with Parfait since she can get anyone to lower their prices for him.