Name: Sirius Veil
Nicknames: Vei (Hazy), Sirius (Twilight when mad), Siri (Discord) and My Veil (Toxic Love).
Race: unicorn
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia
Siblings: Hazy Sky (adopted brother)
Friends: Toxic Love (Former)
Cutiemark: two stars circling each other like yin and yang.
Sex: Male
Likes: Magic, cookies and rules.
Dislikes: Failure, thunder and being late.
Personality: His personality matches his mother, Twilight, though he is a lot more prone to panic attacks than his mother. He overworks himself to the bone and rarely relaxes unless he’s with his godfather. His stress over living up to his mother, Celestia’s, majesty is the reason he tends to be more proficient in chaos based magic.
Note: He spends a lot of time with his auntie Luna so he tends to speak with the royal ‘we’.