Illusion: And you just pawned him off to Starburst? That’s pretty cold. Even for you chuckles
Claire: Oh, hush. Starburst thinks he’s gorgeous. She just didn’t have the guts to ask him on a date. So I gave my guts to her.
Illusion: First off, gross. And second, I meant pretty cold to Prism. Not a fan of the guy, but damn.
Claire: Please, that colt has been after me for years. He knows how I feel about him. And he knows that I’m with you.
Illusion: Eh, I guess the persistence could be annoying.
Claire: REALLY, annoying.
Illusion: chuckles Right. Well, I hope the fact that we’re together isn’t stopping you from going out with other ponies.
Claire: I-it’s not. I’m just not into any of them like I’m into you.
Illusion: Heh, well I mean, I am pretty great. But Crys, we’ve been over this. We’re gonna be around for a long time. A reaaaally long time. I don’t want you to be stuck with just me. Especially since I can’t be around for you all the time with all the responsibilities I have at the moment. I have a lot to prove to my subjects for them to trust me as a leader.
Claire: Right, I know. But it’s just so weird… being with you… but also not….. I mean I trust you and I know you trust me but….
Illusion: We don’t have to be like this if it makes you uncomfortable.
Claire: No, no it’s okay. I suppose I’ll just have to get used to the concept.
Illusion: nods Don’t overthink it
Amber: CLARITY I– oh… I’m sorry. Are you helping a customer? I-I’ll come back later.
Claire: It’s fine. This is just a friend. What did you need?
Amber: O-oh! Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date– I mean just hang out… with me…. tonight.
Claire: A date?
Amber: No! I mean kinda… but not really. Like… it doesn’t have to be one. I just think you’re cool and it’d be fun to hang out.
Claire: Oh uuuuuh…
Illusion: whispers Go with her! She’s so cute!
Claire: whispers What? But I barely know her.
Illusion: whispers C’mon, Crys she’s wearing a bow tie and everything.
Amber: I-I’m sorry. This was stupid. I heard you’re with somepony already. I shouldn’t have asked. Plus it’s really last minute and– Aaaah I’m so bad at this. Nevermind.
Claire: No, no it’s okay!
Amber: looks up at Claire
Claire: I’d love to go on a date with you.
Amber: Really?!
Claire: Sure. What did you have in mind?
Amber: Oh, well my friend gave me these tickets to go see the Wonderbolts. I-I dunno if you’re into that or not and if you’re not we could totally do something else.
Claire: It’s up to you, darling. Woo me.
Amber: Ah okay! Um Wonderbolts it is then! We can leave in a little bit if you’re okay with that.
Claire: Sounds good. I’ll just need a moment to get all ready.
Amber: O-okay!
Illusion: Well, I guess I’ll head out then. See ya, Crys. Have a nice time.
Claire: nods and heads up to her room
Amber: takes a deep breath and sighs
Illusion: walks by Amber Take care of her
Amber: Will do, bruh.
Amber: …………..
Claire: ………………..
Amber: ……………………..
Claire: You okay?
Amber: YUP
Claire: chuckles No need to be nervous. I know I’m kinda intimidating but you can relax a bit.
Amber: nods
Claire: I really like your tie.
Amber: Ahhh, it’s stupid isn’t it? I knew I shouldn’t have worn it!
Claire: No, no, I really do like it. My father has a tie kinda similar to it. It’s much more bedazzled which I personally think is a bit tacky but I like how simple yours is. It really compliments your eyes.
Amber: starts to sparkle
Claire: You’re absolutely stunning when you sparkle like that.
Amber: I’m sparkling??? Nonononono it’s so embarrassing!
Claire: It’s alright. It’s nice to know that you’re happy around me.
Amber: groans I hate how easy to read it makes me.
Claire: Ah, I see how that could be irritating.
Amber: Just wish I could be normal sometimes.
Claire: Same here.
Amber: looks Claire up and down facehooves I’m stupid. I’m sorry.
Claire: It’s quite alright. giggles You know, you’re very different from what Anthea and Prism have described.
Amber: Is that a bad thing?
Claire: Not at all. I was just expecting you to be more forward. And grabby.
Amber: O-oh. I um… I guess I can be like that. I’ve just never had a real crush before.
Claire: Well, I’m very flattered that I’m your first.
Amber: smiles Um… Just curious…. Prism said you’re with somepony already. Is that true?
Claire: Ah, yes. Well it’s complicated.
Amber: You two broke up?
Claire: Oh, nothing like that. We’re just sort of in what you would call an “open relationship”.
Amber: As in you can see ponies other than him? That’s pretty brave of you guys.
Claire: Yes, well we talked about it for a long time and we found that it would work for our “situation”. Though I personally don’t feel like I could ever fall in love with somepony other than him. We’ve been through so much together.
Amber: nods It’s really nice that you have somepony like him. Somepony you can trust that much.
Claire: It’s very nice…….. Ah! I’m sorry, did I make this awkward? I’m still trying to get the hang of this open relationship business.
Amber: No, no, it’s cool! I feel a little less nervous now. Understanding what your situation is takes some of the pressure off to be honest.
Claire: I’m glad.
Amber: Hey! After the show, you wanna just go hang out somewhere after? Nightlife’s great in Canterlot. Just as buds. If that’s what you want.
Claire: Sounds splendid. I’ve never experienced “nightlife” before.
Amber: Really? Oh you’re gonna love it!
Amber: Wow, I did not think you’d be this much of a lightweight dragging Claire down the street
Claire: I didn’t think yooooooou’d be so much of a… ahhh…. giggles You’ve got a really nice face.
Amber: I don’t think you’ll be able to make it home like this. Maybe you should stay here at my place. You can take my bed and I’ll sleep in the living room. How’s that sound?
Claire: What’s the point of me sleeping in your bed if yooou’re not in it wiggles eyebrows
Amber: chuckles That’s my line. But I’m down for some cuddles. No funny business though. You can’t touch my butt.