“Got you~!” One of the wasps says, attempting to bear hug the colt.
Much to the surprise of both the wasp and Emerald, the young pony shoots out of the top of her hold and flies several feet before slipping along the jungle floor, coming to a stop when he hooks himself on a tree.
Emerald attempts to get up to flee, but he slips and falls again. It’s like every thing he touches is ice.
The wasps laugh and all fly to him. They push him around and watch him slide, making comments.
“Wow! What the heck?”
“What did he pour on himself? Do you think it’ll come off?”
“I doubt it’ll last forever, hopefully not anyway! I want to have some fun!”
“Well this is kind of fun. We need two baskets or something as goals! We could play a game!”
Emerald has to admit that this strategy seems effective for keeping the wasps from bedding him, but he isn’t sure there is much more he can do. He isn’t sure how long the slippery potion will last, or even continue to cover him.
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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