Soarin’: Of course, what is it?
Glider:…..Why am I so small?
Soarin: Glider, everypony gets taller over ti-
Glider: No, what I mean is…. why am I so much smaller than all the foals my age?
Soarin’: Well, Sora, you were born two months early.
Glider: Oh, really? (sigh) That makes a lot of sense.
Soarin’:.. Glider, what’s wrong? Has something been bothering you?
Glider: W-Well no… n-not really.
Soarin’: Glider.
Glider: N-No really Daddy I’m fi-
Soarin: Glider Sora Dash, don’t lie to me. Just tell me what’s wrong.
Glider:….. Daddy, am I a runt?
Soarin’: What?! No! Why would you ask that?
Glider: Everypony at school has been making fun of me. They’ve been calling me tiny, runt, munchkin, short stack-
Soarin’: Glider, don’t listen to them. They’re just trying to get under your skin.
Glider: But Daddy-
Soarin’: No buts young filly, just listen to me. The reason they are doing this is because they’ve found out what makes you tick. They want you to get frustrated and they want to knock you down. But let me tell you something, you’re only as big as you let yourself be.
Glider: What?
Soarin’: You’re letting their words get in the way of your self judgement. Do you think you’re just a small pony, or do you think that you’re somepony who can achieve great things?
Glider: ….Somepony who can achieve great things.
Soarin’: Then that should be all that matters to you. And I’m going to be honest, when you were born, your mother and I thought you weren’t going to make it…. but you did. The doctor told us that you were a fighter, and you know what, he’s still right. You don’t let things get to you, you get through them. So, here’s another question for you, are you gonna let a bunch of words get you down, or are you gonna fight through them and do something great?
Glider: I’m gonna fight through it all!
Soarin’: That’s my girl.
Glider: But Daddy, do you think that I’ll be as tall as you when I get older?
Soarin’: Well I don’t know about that, but I know something for certain.
Glider: What’s that?
Soarin’: Don’t tell your mother I said this, but (chuckle) you might be a bit taller than her when you get older.
Rainbow: I heard that!
This would’ve been up yesterday, but I literally had no idea what to put for the dialogue, so I just hope this is good enough. Hope you enjoy