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Socks and Scandals: The Long NightThe Long Night, Page Nineteen First Page Link: Saucy Socks Prologue Previous: Saucy Socks, Second Chapter Page Eighteen (47) Next: Saucy Socks, Second Chapter Page Twenty (49) Featuring cameos by and her lil’ blue batpony Sophie for a second page in a row, most due to Saucy already speaking to her. Playing the role of the first of our two guards, it’s Lina the pegasus! (I adore her design, by the way) For our second guard, we have and his unicorn whom I shall dub simply as “Frost”, due to my searches coming up empty handed in my search for a name! Please keep in mind this will be ongoing story based upon you, the voters choices for Saucy. So I ask that you please consider voting so the adventure can continue, thanks! Voting is linked below the story. Note: If you do vote, please consider leaving a comment! If you do, you’ll be entered into my raffle contest!Saucy Character Sheet: A Very Saucy Character SheetExample of rolls here, near the end of the journal: Choose your mare! Voting Raffle Count 27/100. More details on this here: A Few Things To Remember 3/10 successful rolls to level up! 8 deviants said Choice C: “Investigate the guards. They’re definitely here for you, although why is a better question. They’re sitting at a table in the corner of the room, but don’t appear to be doing anything sinister…”_________________________________________________ Saucy Keeps a close eye on the two guards watching her, pretending to pay them no mind. It takes a few minutes, but her waiting pays off. Sophie returns, the batpony carrying a tray of dishes as Saucy attempts to engage her in conversation further. “Uh…hey Sophie? You know anything about those guards over there?” Sophie Rounds the bar, placing her workload down nearby. “I know most of the ponies in town, yes. But…I really shouldn’t gossip about others, sorry.“Saucy Nods slowly to Sophie, and then smiles to herself, looking over at the two guards and getting an idea. -Persuasion Skillcheck! 83% chance of success! Rolled a Four! Skillcheck successful! Saucy “I understand, Sophie. It’s just…well.” Sophie Looks back to Saucy while mixing a drink, blinking once and then staring at the mare. “Well…? What’d you mean by that?” Saucy Moves in a little close, whispering. “I just thought you should know that I saw that stallion watching you earlier is all….I think he likes you.“Sophie Becomes a little flustered by hearing this, spilling a few drops of the drink that she was preparing. “Really….? I mean, he’s definitely…um…a looker. She takes a moment to compose herself, before waving at the stallion. He seemingly waves back, Sophie leaning closer as she blushes. “T-thanks for looking out for me…I’m always so busy, the night shift usually has way more guards in here…it’s hard to give any one all my attention….And about the guards you asked about? I’ve seen them around from time to time. No need to worry, okay Saucy? I really gotta get back to work though, good luck.” Saucy Leaves Sophie on her own, gently tending to Little Miss. Noticing the foal shivering, she takes out another pair of her socks and lets the foal wear them for the time being. She then picks the little lady up, carrying her towards the guards. The female guard waves to her, Saucy waving back and looking around the tavern. The room is pretty empty now, with just the guards and Sophie still around. The other two seem to have gone upstairs, likely to rest. Approaching in a friendly fashion, she sits down nearby and tries to begin a conversation with the female guard.* “Hello madam….I couldn’t help but see you…err…watching me and my friend here.” Saucy signals to Little Miss. ??? “Sure am, Ms. Socks. Sahara asked us to keep an eye on you and our young lady. With word that we might have some….undesirables in our own ranks, it was paramount that you two stay safe. There’s no need to worry about our presence here, we’ll be leaving you to your own devices unless something comes up.” Saucy Seems…pleased that Sahara wanted to keep her safe, only then realizing that they’re probably here for Little Miss, not her. “Oh….uh…thanks! I think we’ll be okay though, Miss…” Lina “It’s Lina…..and sorry, but our lieutenant was quite clear. You are to be protected until morning. She looks over to her stallion counterpart, nodding to him as he gets up and heads over toward the entrance and stepping outside. Saucy Watches the silent exchange, before speaking with Lina again. “Um…you said until morning? What then?” Lina “Well, that is…unclear. I guess you’d be free to go along on your way?” She looks around, before digging in a bag and laying a large map on the table. “We are right here, on the Isle of Mares. From Canterbury, you could either take the road, or the train if you have the bits.” Saucy Studies the map for a little bit, having an exchange with the female guard. Their conversation is interrupted before it gets very far however, as a loud crash begins to shake the inn! Lina Helps Saucy getting her bearings, Little Miss stirring on Saucy’s back while she rushes to the door, yelling outside. “Report! What’s going on out there!” Saucy Comforts Little Miss, the tavern springing to life as the various inhabitants begin to head to the windows, or directly downstairs. Saucy peeks outside, seeing a large piece of the nearby bell tower laying directly across the nearby street….Saucy also spying several of the town guard rushing down the road and towards the town square. Saucy is ushered back inside quickly, the stallion that was outside rushing back inside before they close the door behind them with a loud “thud”. Looking around, Lina begins to rally up the ponies before her. It’s quiet for no more than a minute, before is a sudden knock on the door, a female voice yelling from outside for someone to let her in. “Lina and the other guard stand near the doorway, weapons at the ready. Lina tells Saucy to be ready to hide or escape if it comes to it, Saucy backing up slowly as nervousness sets in.” Choice A: “Find out who’s outside. In all likelyhood, it’s one of the townsponies trying to get somewhere safe.” Choice B: “Start looking for an escape route. The inn isn’t nearly as sturdy as the keep was, and that still wasn’t enough. It may be every mare for herself, and your priority is Little Miss.” Choice C: “Comfort Little Miss and speak with some of the other ponies around you. Some of them could have some useful information, or at the very least they’d know more about the town than you would.” Vote below, but just a reminder that if you do decide to vote, tell me in the comments for a chance to earn rewards for doing so!…


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