Hope looks down at Emerald worried and says, “Of course I’m happy to see you!”
Emerald hurriedly continues that Joyride didn’t make him come down. He can handle stuff like this, he’s had to do it before. Plus he is tired of being forced to stay inside. He wants to see the world!
Hope sighs and closes her eyes softly, “Just because you can handle it doesn’t mean you need too. If you had stayed in Whitherwater… You almost certainly would have been safe…”
“Hey now. There are still a lot of ponies looking for him, you know.” Joyride points out correctly.
Hope looks like she is about to retort back, so Emerald grabs Ruby and steers her in front of Hope, introducing her quickly.
“Oh! It’s very nice to meet you, Ruby.” Hope says with a smile, shaking the fillies hoof.
“Yeah, nice to meet you!” Ruby says, grinning very broadly and enthusiastically shaking Hope’s hoof.
“Two children though? Can I trust they will be safe around you, Joyride?” Hope says back to the unicorn with a frown.
“Sure! Probably.” Joyride says with a shrug.
The argument continues a little longer, but it seems much less intense then it was before. Hope seems to simply be admonishing, while Joyride is being playful.
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