“-and here he is!” The sound of the gathering of ponies all stomping an cheering makes you notice what’s going on. Wait, weren’t we going to the library? Fuck, you were lost in thought so much that you didn’t even notice where you were being led. There’s a crowd of ponies looking at you, waiting and talking amongst themselves. They don’t look scared, more like excited now that you’re here. A brown pony with grey mane and tail walks down the stairs. “Right on time,” she says, “I already said my part of the speech. Have to say that it was good, considering I didn’t have long to make it. They’re ready for you.”
Standing there trying to take this all in, Twlight tells you, “Get up there and say something!” You didn’t think of anything to say, even though you made a mental note to do so, you have nothing. Gotta think fast…
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