“Are you talking about things like cider and wine?” Since they know what these are, it answers your question, but you nod anyway. “Yes, if we want to. Special occasions and the like, I’m sure humans are the same.” You wonder if there are alcoholic ponies, of if they even know what it means to use it too much.
Piecing together some information about the Sun God and knowing that magic works here, you ask, “How long until we get an answer from the Princess? Also, does she move the sun? You keep saying things that make it seem like it’s not supposed to do it on it’s own.” She could just be something like the Pope, and they just think she has power like the Pharaohs of Egypt.
“Yes,” Twilight responds in between bites, “she controls the sun. Spike sent it to her after I was done writing, so it’s just a matter of time before we get something back. I wonder if she’ll want to meet you? I mean, with what finding another planet could mean, she would! And she’ll be soooo proud of me!” Once again she looses herself in her thoughts with the biggest smile of happiness.
You decide to leave her to it. “Spike, earlier you said something about jewels? As in like, rubies and sapphires? Are those really edible here?”
He’s already done with his food, so you let him take over while you finish. “Well, dragons are tough with great teeth. I’ve never heard of a pony who could eat gems, but if you wanna try, why not? I mean, you already ate like, two meals.” With that, you finish everything. Now that you’re full, you wonder why you didn’t eat earlier? You feel so much better…
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