
Name: Prince Atmosphere  
Gender: Male  
Nickname: Prince, Atmo, Sphere, A  
Family: Rainbow Dash (Mother) Blueblood (Father) Aurora (Big sister)  
Cutie mark talent: Doesn’t know  
Personality: Cool, chilled, hyper, clumsy  
Bio: Blueblood knew that Rarity was trying to flirt with him just like other mares but she just didn’t feel like the one. During his birthday his aunts got the Wonderbolts to perform for him. There Rainbow dash crashed into him and kept telling him she was sorry. After the performance they bumped into one another and got talking. He found her to be very fun and cool and just had to see her again which they did. They ended up falling for one another after Rainbow saw he wasn’t a snob and only pretend to be since he didn’t like all those mares chasing him. They had two kids. The youngest was named Atmosphere. He is a very hyper colt but tries his best to stay cool much like his mother. Tho he doesn’t have wings he still looks up to his mother and his father and Twilight are the ones who teach him his magic.


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