A cyoa by FicFicponyfic.
Chapter 26 begins!
Emerald goes to find Joyride.
He sees her on deck. She looks very focused, and is walking along the entirety of the rail, staring over the side and into the distance.
Emerald is sure she is trying to spot any undead, and he feels a little anxious about approaching her.
From behind him the new recruit walks by, and he heads directly for Joyride. Emerald gets closer, he kind of want to see what happens.
“Hey there, honey!” Quicksilver says, walking along beside her.
Joyride gives him a raised eyebrow, but returns the greeting normally.
“I don’t suppose I could borrow a dress from you could I?” Quicksilver says, boldly.
“Oh?” Joyride replies, her eyebrows still raised.
“Sorry about being forward about it, but you are the only lady on the ship. I sorta met a guy here but he says he is straight. Can’t say I believe him though, so I think I might try a little game of pretend.” Quicksilver says with a sly grin.
“Oh~! I see!” Joyride says with a toothy smile. The two exchange knowing looks with each other, and Joyride says he’ll show him some stuff later.
Quicksilver almost skips away, and Emerald feels a little better about approaching the unicorn now.
“Hey lil’ perv. What’s up.” Joyride says, continuing her vigil around the borders of the ship.
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