
Emerald decides he wants to go see Hope first.
“Yeah, let’s go show her the dress! I’ll bet she’ll get a kick out of it!”
Emerald decides he wants to go see Hope first… In the other outfit he bought. He quickly changes and then Joyride leads him to her apartment. It’s much deeper in the city and in an even nicer neighborhood than Joyride’s. While Coursewalk was clean this place is exquisite. To Emerald’s eyes, everyone is dressed up to go to a party already, with many of the stallions wearing top hats and nice vests, while the mares sport long, frilly dresses much like the one he was wearing just a little while ago. There isn’t a building or edifice that doesn’t have some piece of master crafted stonework, and the grass and trees are both vibrant green and obviously trimmed and well cared for.
Joyride points up at a door and Emerald walks up a small set of stairs and knocks.
A donkey wearing a maid uniform answers. She has a feather duster in her mouth, and upon seeing Emerald removes it and asks, “Can I help you?”
Emerald asks if Hope is home.
“I’m afraid Mistress has returned to her family residence to get ready for a party she is attending later. Would you like to leave her a message?” The maid asks nicely.
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