Hope nods sadly, and says, “Yes… I’d hate to admit it but war is an unfortunate necessity… But there is no reason why we should force wars. I know that the zebra attacked us first, but sometimes I wonder if that’s the real story.”
Hope sort of stares out into the starry sky for a while, and Emerald gives a little noise to indicate his presence, and asks if he can stay with Hope tonight.
“Oh! Yes, I would like that very much!” Hope says, turning to him with a blush and a smile.
Emerald says that he has to get back to Joyride now though, to help her with something, and that he hopes they can meet sometime near the end of their stay at the party. They agree and Emerald sets off, tittering to himself.
When he gets back inside he sees Joyride standing nearby talking to a mare and a stallion. The pair seem to be hung on all of the unicorn’s words. However his eyes are drawn away as he notices Sensoria standing in the corner speaking with Shock Top. From their body language it looks like a civil conversation, which worries Emerald a bit.
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