Young Pax: Pleeeease? I promise I’ll take care of him!! I’ll feed him, and bathe him, and play with him!! Oh pleeeeease, Mama? Pwease
Celestia: Pax, darling, where did you even GET him?
Heehee, hey everyone!! How are you this evening? 83
So last night I was working on my tumblr, and then I had the sudden inspiration to draw Prince Pax as a little colt.
And while I was sketching him, I thought it would really cute for him to have one of those little “brought home an animal, can I keep it” moments. But of course the little alicornequus crown prince can’t just bring home a puppy or whatever. No, he brings home a baby manticore. Celestia is confused, Discord is amused. XDD
I’ll bet he found it in the Everfree by Fluttershy’s house.
Pax gets the hang of teleporting pretty quickly, so I’m sure he drops in on his “aunts” in Ponyville a lot.
Also, as for the way his mane looks here, I always liked the idea that Celestia and Luna had more normal looking manes when they were younger. The more magically powerful they got, the more wavy and sparkly their manes got. Pax is the same way. I think he turned out friggin’ adorable. That little manticub too. <3
Hope you guys enjoy!! I’m off to bed.
Got and appointment I have to go to in the morning. Laters!!