Name: Spinneret
Race: Changeling
Sex: Female
Class: Fighter
Occupation: Assassin
Name: Grave Shift
Race: Bat Pony
Sex: Female
Occupation: Poster Girl of the Royal Guard
History: Spinnerete was among the largest and deadliest in the changeling hive. And her undying loyalty to RazorShell made her a perfect candidate for a secret assassination mission. Spinnerete was to infiltrate the military and take out as many Important targets as she could. But first she’d need a disguise
The large changeling transformed into an elegant bat pony and called her new form Grave Shift. Spinnerete’s training in the hive helped her stand out among the other cadets. Impressed by her unique methods the supervisors accepted her. Spinneret became a new member of the Royal Night Guard. But she hadn’t considered a source of food though. And now being part of the Guard might make feeding off love harder, or so she thought.
As it turned out the Grave Shift form was gorgeous! Stallions and mares gawked over her nearly every time she entered a room. She was gaining much more love with her disguise than her fighting skills. Spinnerete (or rather Grave Shift) then became the “face” of the Royal Guard. The bat pony was soon seen on recruiting posters, in interviews, public meetings. Spinnerete had more love than she ever imagined!
Personality: Spinnerete is a fabulous brawler. While her Grave Shift form is small and breathtaking there is a massive monster behind it. If her looks and silver tongue cannot charm anypony she’d be more than happy to use violence. Her self value is much higher than a normal changeling, but she still remains eternally loyal to her queen…even if she occasionally forgets about her mission.