We’ve asked ourselves a lot where Luna was when Chrysalis was taking over Canterlot. She was also entranced by the changelings, similar to Shining Armor, when she began to question Cadence’s behavior regarding her wedding. She hadn’t known Cadence long since she’d been reformed from Nightmare Moon, but she could still the drastic change in her mannerisms. Chrysalis decided to remove her quickly and seal her in a cocoon in her tower, and putting her under a thick hypnosis.
Being a new bride-to-be, ‘Cadence’ stayed with Luna, in her tower, while Shining Armor stayed with either his parents or the guards in their barracks. Nymph was created under this thick hypnosis, when Chrysalis had gorged herself on Luna’s love. Luna found a small cocoon beneath the castle, within the caverns, some years later. When coming in contact with another living thing, the cocoon began to pulse with life again, and hatched into Nymph.
Due to her appearance, Nymph spends a lot of her time alone, mostly of her own fear. Luna doesn’t really encourage her to socialize, and wants Nymph to only become social if she feels comfortable. Like her changeling mother, Nymph feeds off the love of others, but, being alone, doesn’t need to turn other ponies into prey and simply needs to be around others from time to time.
Fun facts:
>When she was little, Nymph had a very larva-like appearance. Her wings and exoskeleton formed as she got older.
>Before she understood what she was doing, Nymph liked putting different things into cocoons.
>Nymph has a butterfly-like tongue and mandibles that tucked into her upper and lower jaws.
>Nymph loves sweets and will tell others it’s because she can taste the love put into them, but this has yet to be confirmed. (Eclairs are her favorite)
>When she cries, Nymphs tears are yellow-green and slightly acidic.
>Like Chrysalis, Nymph can shapeshift, but her form will always have her real eyes.