
Revenge isn’t necessarily a dish best served cold. Lukewarm can do fine too.
I don’t even… But sure was fun to draw. I’ll leave it to you peeps to figure out the joke and what’s going on for yourself while I go hide in my hole now X3;;
Followup to >>882195

safe2258076 artist:ravenpuff1130 mochaccino274 rare find278 thunderlane5145 earth pony629932 pegasus697999 pony1924571 ...3287 behaving like a bird725 cart1881 cute262541 floppy ears71147 frown36398 hose2143 looking down15165 magic98491 male513961 sitting95766 sitting in a tree112 stallion182959 telekinesis38700 thunderbetes81 tree51436 wide eyes20326


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