Pipsqueak, Applebloom, and Little Seed. Pip has a similar cutie mark to Daring Do, a compass type design.
Pipsqueak left Ponyville a few months before he graduated from Cheerilees class, moved back to Trottingham because of his fathers job. He wasnt exactly happy about the move but was used to it at that point. For the next few years he was sent to a prestigious boarding school. The Apple family was raised from Commoner status rather abruptly just before the CMC entered high school and Applebloom was sent to Manehattan to attend boarding school there. It hit her pretty hard not being with her friends but she adapted. She returned after college to find the farm was much busier than shed ever seen it, growing more than apples. Pip, having returned to Ponyville, was working on the farm when she returned. It wasnt his first choice, in fact hed returned to be an airship captain to Twilight but found the position to be filled. He noticed her, looking quite sophisticated, and accidently hit his hoof with hammer, which caused him to yelp and stumble back, tripping over a barrel and slamming into a tree, only to have apples fall on his head. The display caught quite a bit of attention much to his embarrassment and he took off before anyone could ask him if he was okay. He avoided Applebloom quite a bit after that, hoping to avoid another accident. She sought him out however and after several awkward attempts to talk to him which ended in more slapstick accidents, she eventually got him to talk to her. They quickly bonded and started dating not long after, getting married a year later. They so far have only had one child, Little Seed, a sweet little filly with a heart of gold.
When Scootaloo proposed the idea of the CMC organization Applebloom immediately set aside a section of unused land for the camp grounds. Together with Pipsqueak, she built cabins and a small home for them to live in out in one of the remote fields away from the ever growing number of Apple children running around.