Prism: No prob
Whirlwind: Yeah! Should be fun.
Hot Head: This is a really beautiful lake
Whirlwind: Sure is. It was our favorite place to come around when we were kids. Yeah Priz?
Prism: Mmhm. It’s been a while.
Whirlwind: Well then, let’s get in! Race ya!
Whirlwind and Prism jump in the lake
Whirlwind: Oh the water’s perfect!
Prism: Hey, where’s Hot Head?
Whirlwind: looks back Hot Head? Are you gonna swim?
Hot Head: It’s alright. I’ll just chill over here.
Prism: Why? The water’s great! And that’s what we came to do. Swim. This is a lake.
Whirlwind: Oh, c’mon. Don’t be a buzzkill.
Hot Head: ….. Alright steps in the water
Prism: ……………. are you gonna actually swim?
Hot Head: I’m good.
Prism: ……………….. waaaait. You can’t swim can you?
Hot Hot: Y-Yeah I sighs No I can’t…….
Prism: Gaaaah! Why didn’t I know this when we hated each other?
Whirlwind: Whaaaaaaat? How come?
Hot Head: I never exactly had anyone to teach me.
Prism: Well, we could teach you today if you want.
Hot Head: Really?
Whirlwind: Yeah! C’mere holds out arm
Hot Head: Are you sure?
Whirlwind: Yeah. It doesn’t get deep for a while.
Hot Head: You really think I can swim?
Whirlwind: Hey, if I can do it with one arm, then you can do it with two smiles
Hot Head: nods and follows them to deeper water
Prism: So why didn’t Lucky and Amber teach you?
Hot Head: Lucky can swim somehow but he doesn’t like swimming. And Amber…. Amber can’t swim at all and refuses to go anywhere near a body of water. It’s so bad that during her party days, she wouldn’t go to one if she knew there was a pool.
Prism: That’s horrible!
Hot Head: Yeah it
Prism: You’ve never seen Amber in a bathing suit???
Hot Head: I what?
Prism: Bro, Amber’s hot. It sucks that you’ve never been able to see her in a bathing suit. She’d look great~
Hot Head: …. chuckles you’re an idiot. Trust me dude, I’ve seen more of Amber than I ever thought I’d see of her.
Prism: Yeah?
Hot Head: She struts around the house in her underwear.
Prism: No ways!
Hot Head: I’ve seen her naked. Several times!
Prism: What???
Whirlwind: chuckles Same.
Prism and Hot Head: WAT???
Whirlwind: What? You think physical therapy is the only thing we do when I go to her house?
Prism: ……. Yes! Are you two a thing again???
Whirlwind: Nah, I don’t think so………
Prism: Oh, thank Celestia.
Whirlwind: ……… But then again we did have a pretty intense canoodling session a couple nights ago.
Prism: For reals??
Hot Head: …what’s canoodling?
Whirlwind: I’m just kidding…………. kinda.
Prism: We never canoodled
Whirlwind: Awww, you jealous?
Hot Head: I wanna canoodle.
Whirlwind: ANYWAYS! This is about Hot Head! Let’s swim!
Prism: We’re talking about this later.
Whirlwind: Alright Hot Head so
Hot Head: flailing arms in water rapidly
Whirlwind: … could probably touch the floo Nevermind. Prism, go hold your boyfriend.
Prism: Are we really doing this again?
Whirlwind: Hey, I’m not judging your man love. And really though, you need to help him. I can’t keep him up with one arm.
Prism: Fine. helps Hot Head up
Hot Head: Thanks.
Prism: Don’t mention it.
Whirlwind: Oh, and if he drowns, you’re giving him CPR
Hot Head: Don’t even talk like that!
Prism: You’re sick! Why me?
Whirlwind: One arm
Prism: That has nothing to do with anything!