Is rare that they get together, but when they do usually ends up in a little makeover/sleepover session.
Bella: So anything new?
Inky: mmm Nothing I can think of.
Bella: Really? You live in Las Pegasus nothing new happens there? I mean, Ponyville is a little slow but Las Pegasus?
Inky: Well, it might surprise you, but usually I dont go out so much unties her bandana I work every day, sometimes even on Sundays
Red: Bummer
Inky: Yeah I make good money thou I am trying to buy a new apartment near my studio
Crispy: Well starts braiding Wildwinds mane Mom would be happier if you worked here with dad
Inky: Dont start with it
Red: What? There are troubles with aunt Pinkie?
Inky: It is not big deal It is just Fire is a little too much for our parents and gets a difficult to handle. With the new catering business Mom is making, and dads job
Crispy: Yeah, I am working all day also
Wild: He is just a little too enthusiastic he needs a little entertainment
Bella: Like what? I mean I cant say in first hoof, Athena has the best behavior.
Red: Yeah, Zappy is also a peach I wish I could help you
Crispy: We will see what to do, dont worry silly So changing the subject, How Athena? I rarely see her out of the castle
Bella: She She is fine I guess
Wild: You guess?
Bella: She does not tell me a lot of things she barely talks to me actually I think she hates me she lies down crossing her front legs
All: What!? NO!
Wild: Dont say that
Inky: Yes, she is your sister; you guys are so alike
Crispy: You taught her magic, and you read her books, HOW can she hate you?
Bella: Sounds silly but I think she is feeling the pressure of been a princess, and it is hard for her to deal with other ponies and I dont think that The beloved makes her feel more secure of herself. looks down I know it is not my fault but I hurts a little
Wild: Lies on top of Bella There, there
Bella: giggles Thanks Wild
Red: To be honest I have some problems with Zapp too…
Inky: Seriously?
Red: Yeah He is been bullied I guess. He has these tiny bruises all over his flank, and whenever I try to ask him what is going on, he gets defensive and shuns me out.
Crispy: For Celestia that is heavy Red
Red: Yeah I dont know what to do
Wild: He has to handle it on his own you know I think it is worst when your sister ask you to hurt her
Bella: What!? Wow Fiora asked you to hurt her?
Wild: Kinda she gets angry with me when I play a little strong with Bianco She wants to play the same way She is so tiny and fragile, I cant do that!
Red: Of course you cant!
Wild: I know She gets angrier and angrier and yells at me, and she stops talking to me, and gets angry at dad, at Bianco she even yelled to my mom
Crispy: REALLY!? Untangles Wilds mane while braiding it Sweet Celestia she yelled to Fluttershy? She must be super duper angry
Inky: I wouldnt dare to yell at Mom
Bella: Me neither Hey Red stares at her I might know who is bulling Zappy
Red: Who?
Bella: Diamond Tiaras Son probably also That Grey filly, they had had bullied Athena before But Athena knows how to handle it
Crispy: frowns deeply dont mention that little skinny daughter of a buc**** mare
Inky: CC! Watch your mouth!
Crispy: That grey bit** has broken our brothers little heart! I will say whatever I want
Bella: Sugar you cant defend him of everything these things happen
Wild: starts to breathe softly and gets asleep
Red: Bella is right, he was brave enough to confess at least
Crispy: But why? That filly is a bully and looks like a twig
Inky: Cc I know you are upset, but just let it go Ill find time to come more often to help with fire outburst of energy I promise
Crispy: ok alright
Wild: Snores LOUDLY
Bella: snort
Red: Hahahha!
Crispy and Inky: HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Wild: barely awake Hu? What were we talking about?