Oh, and it’s a request by StarVagrant, who wanted to feature his OC Frost D Tart in my parodies
You have learn the secret ways of true baking no jitsu, Xuesheng*
*‘student’ in Cantonese
When the time comes, your ultimate test will be to beat my Canterlot High School Record of “BEST CAKE BAKED IN THE FRIENDSHIP GAMES”:youtu.be/dzSwC9HkNxI?t=37) –and I’ll shall pass on the legacy of Sugarcube Corner to you by having you marry Pumpkin Cake once she reaches legal age–! PINKIE!!!! What did I tell you about not shipping OC characters with canon characters??!!!
Family decision on passing the next generation of the kin is only for the CAKE’S business, NOT YOURS!! Way to ruin the mood, you party s**tter!!