As I STUDIED the plush, I recalled that only only a few episodes prior to her/their appearance this way, Bon Bon was revealed to be some sort of undercover agent for the Equestrian government. So, as many great ideas have begun over the ages, I thought, ‘What if…’ and this is what happened. :D
Obviously, Bon Bon has done covert ops before. Lyra, on the other hoof, clearly doesn’t have the chops for this kind of work.
…You know what? It’s probably in a fanfic somewhere. Go read it. Meow :3
OH!! And since she was so kind as to allow me to PURCHASE a particularly enchanting print of non-conjoined Lyra and Bon Bon, I asked :iconspittfireart: if she would be so kind as to autograph this piece. A you can see, she did! :la:
‘Lyra Heartstrings’, ‘Bon Bon/Agent Sweetie Drops’ and ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’ are REGISTERED trademarks and properties of Hasbro, Inc.