Grab your lantern and put on your ring say your oath time for the official release of the Lantern Background Ponies pack 2 SFM and GMOD
Preview Picture by atlasandphantom@ / fusionguybrony :iconfusionguybrony:
Amethyst Star
Daring Do
Lightning Dust
Nurse Redheart (Nurse Cap changes colour depending on the lantern used)
Spa Twins (Spa Collars changes colour depending on the lantern used)
Rings not included download them here Lanter Corps Rings by TomatoGoateeƒ :icontomatogoatee:
(Side Note)
Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer was going to be in this pack but I had problems with the models so until I work out what went wrong they Will be postponed to the third Background Ponies Pack