Why can’t I stop making all these succubus bug horse OCs?
This is Xil, a changeling soldier gifted with super regenerative abilities who specializes in using his body as a weapon, mostly transforming his forelegs into sharp blades or on rare occasions, cutting himself open and tossing his acidic guts onto foes. However, with general peace between the changelings and all the various other alien races, there isn’t much need for soldiers. So instead Xil turned to a career in music, and studies hard to become a DJ.
There are at least four words that can sum up Xil, cocky, aggressive, loud, and proud. Xil is a huge party-er and always takes the time to go to a rave whenever he can to get some inspiration for his music. But one night, while he took a break from the party and went to the bathroom, he noticed a human girl, leaning over a toilet and vomiting. He was about to promptly leave before she asked him for help, saying that she was lately being stalked by a Valtrikite (an alien known to kill what they fck, and fck what they kill), and that he must’ve drugged her drink. While Xil may come off as a jerk, he still does have a heart, and helped her out of the club and got her to the hospital to get out whatever date-rape drugs were in her system. A day later, the human visited Xil at his apartment to give him thanks for helping her out. After talking with each other for a bit, Xil and Daidra, the human, began a friendship which would soon turn to something a lot more romantic (and kinky, really kinky).
If there’s one thing that Daidra enjoys about having a changeling for a boyfriend, it all the different things he can do with his transforming abilities, especially with dat tongue.
Drawn while listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udM1wOuEtoU
Drawings InkBleederWolf