We followed the ditch path south, myself hopping onto a few rocks to avoid the sticky mud that Crash and Scouring trotted through at the bottom. Night Strike hovered beside me, her wings occasionally slapping some overhanging branches and knocking dead leaves loose. She was absentmindedly humming a soft tune, the several bottles of Sparkle Cola in her pouch clinking against each other. I could go for one of those not really in the mood for Sunrise. I glanced into my pouch, only to remember that any bottles wed come across were swiftly snatched up by missile-butt flying next to me.
I grumbled a little, my ears flopping down as we continued along. I glanced at her saddlebags, but knew better than to try swiping one of the bottles from her - not to mention whatever Crash Dive might do if she saw me stealing from a pegasus. Guh, it was easier to sneak stuff from ponies back home… The trees began to thin as we trotted further on, and it wasnt long before we were standing at the edge of the forest, the ditch opening up to reveal a larger, lower lake, the large Vanhoover Dam barely visible off in the distance.
On our side of the lake was a large compound surrounded by high fences - something tells me that that’s Seahoof. A few robots could be seen patrolling the area, several mounted turrets slowly spinning in place. Outside of the heavily guarded buildings were a few long bunkhouses like those back at Jericho Beach. A few robots walked between these buildings, though not nearly as many as those surrounding the main compound. Alright, so how exactly were you three planning on gettin’ in, anyhow? None of us responded to the unicorn, not having expected the facility to be quite so well guarded.
Break down the front gate and go in guns blazing? Night Strike suggested, wearing a grin. I put a hoof to my forehead in response, shaking my head. Yes, Night Strike, Im sure all those military-grade turrets are really just fancy water pistols and wont shred us to pieces the moment they see four unauthorized intruders. She gave me a little glare. Alright, smarty pants, what do you think we should do? I scanned the compound, trying to see if there were any holes in the robots patrol routes.