
20 (In pony years? Im not exactly how Equestrian age works, but thats how old shed be in Human Years.
Animals, Art, Making Friends, Helping Others, Sweets, Reading, and Children.
Crowds, Herself a lot of the time, Bullies, Being out in public for too long, Getting out of her comfort zone, Change in some cases, storms, Bitter foods/sweets, Being the center of attention, Spicy foods, Her health problems, and being unable to help one of her patients.
Being a doctor for fillies/foals, making arts and crafts, and cooking.
Lacking in self-confidence, Gets upset easily, Can sometimes be pessimistic, Feels she doesn’t deserve nice things most of the time, Fears being alone, She fears those who she cares for her will leave her all alone someday, She cries easily, When storms come she tends to panic (only when Thunder Booms normally, but sometimes when Lightning strikes as well.), Putting others before herself TOO much, telling children No..
Around strangers she’s nearly silent, shy, and has a submissive demeanor about her. She tends to stay quiet, only speaking when spoken to, and when she DOES speak she says as little as possible. When subjects turn to things she likes such as her profession, reading, or art she will perk up and be a LITTLE more friendly/talkative because she feels more like she’s in her comfort zone at that point. Once she warms up to and trusts someone she shows more of her true self. At that point, she becomes happier, a bit silly, playful, and all around adorably sweet. She seems to be more comfortable around animals and children than she is people around her age/older than her. Cats are her favorite animals, and she tends to be drawn to them more so than most animals. She’s very intelligent, and tends to speak in a more formal manner on occasion. Being a pony raised in a Country Pony family she has a slight “Southern Drawl” to her voice, and it’s extremely embarrassing to her, so she tries to avoid letting it be heard. Even around those she trusts she’s not one for being around too many people, and tends to hide or stay close to whoever she’s with. Sometimes even hiding behind them or slightly clinging to them depending on who it is. Due to her health issues she tends to stay away from change, and new situations, fearing she won’t be able to handle them. Such as flying, she cannot fly quite as well as other pegasi. She can’t fly quite as high, or as fast. Even so, she prefers to walk because it’s easier on her. She doesn’t like to go anywhere with her friend(s) because she’s fears her health will cause her to hold the others back, and prefers to see them having a good time without her. Her usual reason is “As long as they’re happy, I’m happy. I don’t have to go anywhere, I can watch them be happy.”
Her talent is medicine so-to-speak, she is a doctor for foals/fillies. She does her best to be the best doctor she can be.
She has a troublesome childhood, one she’s usually reluctant to talk about. It mostly brings back bad memories due to her being so heavily bullied when she was younger due to her limitations and health issues. She was raised by her grandparents, and father, who loved her very dearly. Her family is originally from Appaloosa, but she moved to Ponyville later in life. The fact she couldn’t fly quite as well as other Pegasi didn’t help matters either. On her second birthday she was given a Dalmatian Plush which she promptly named Pudd. Pudd instantly became a security blanket of sorts for her, and she’s been nearly inseparable from the toy since. She takes the toy with her everywhere she goes. When she was younger she always carried it around in a messenger bag she wore, and slept with it at night(which she still does). Now, she only takes the toy with her when she travels(rather than keeping it on her at all times), so she can sleep with it at night. When shes at work, she keeps Pudd on one of the counters. She lets the little fillies, and foals, use him as their security blanket if going to the doctor makes them uncomfortable. When she is upset, she’ll often sit with Puddles or lay with it. This is of course because it is still a security item for her, and it comforts her. Her earlier mentioned health issues are mostly related to her back, stomach, and eyes. She has to wear her brace to keep everything properly aligned as well as to help her with general pain. Due to her back she can’t do as much physical work as other ponies, and has to be very careful or she’ll hurt herself. When it comes to her stomach it’s simply very sensitive. There’s many foods she can’t eat(Like spicy foods), or she’ll get sick. Peridot also cannot see without her glasses for the most part. She is near sighted. Peridot is also shorter, and chubbier than most ponies. Later in life, after being a doctor in Appaloosa for a while, she got word from Ponyville that they needed help. They needed another doctor in town, and she agreed to move there to help them as well as help the children there. In emergency, and short-notice situations she will ride the train back home if she is needed. If it is an absolute emergency, shell do her best to travel to any city in Equestria that may need her.
How She Got Her Cutie Mark:  
One day while at school, while playing with Pudd on the playground and reading, another little filly in her class got hurt. Peridot did her best to help the girl, and using a scarf she was wearing to wrap up the small injury shed gotten. She even got an ice pack from her lunch box, and put in on the fillys injury. Thats when she realized her talent was healing, and helping like a doctor would, and her cutie mark revealed itself.
Where She Lives:  
In Ponyville, she lives in a small house in Ponyville, close to the area where Twilights library used to be. She lives there with her pet cat, Ginger. Ginger is a orange and white Munchkin Cat she found as a kitten and has raised.


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