T: You and Peridot go. I’ll be fine. It’s my job to protect you
Nidra: As your princess, I command you to stand down! Please…
T: I’m not protecting you as a guard. I’m protecting you as your husband. Now get out of here!
Did this quite some time ago. Felt too sad/dramatic to share but it was bugging me by just sitting there.
I came up with this really sad headcanon a while ago (because I like sad stories and tragedies) where T joins the guard to protect Nidra. But then Canterlot castle gets attacked while Nidra is pregnant with Anastasia and T is horribly injured protecting his family. He passes shortly after and Nidra is left to raise Peridot and Anastasia.
BBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT… I’m ain’t doin’ dat shiz because I felt bad doing that to T and even more so, Nidra just because she’d probably beat herself up about the whole ordeal. But yeah this was a little too dark lol. If anything, this happens, but T is able to get out okay. Yay!