Old news If you made an account before June 2024 but have not reset your pass, you will need to reset pass before logging in.

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safe2261413 artist:andoanimalia1221 artist:cheezedoodle961185 artist:cloudyglow2734 artist:cyanlightning1145 artist:dashiesparkle2012 artist:dragonchaser123474 artist:drakizora130 artist:emberfiremane37 artist:emeraldblast63934 artist:estories2999 artist:frownfactory1217 artist:gamemasterluna91 artist:hendro107305 artist:jeatz-axl721 artist:jhayarr231831 artist:koolfrood70 artist:luckreza81040 artist:missgoldendragon90 artist:mixiepie491 artist:parclytaxel1496 artist:phucknuckl478 artist:sketchmcreations1947 artist:slb941209 artist:sonofaskywalker254 artist:tardifice988 artist:theorak4 artist:uponia162 ahuizotl965 apple bloom64442 applejack212496 aunt holiday456 auntie lofty406 bifröst157 big macintosh35639 bon bon19823 cheese sandwich5145 clear sky601 cozy glow11105 cup cake5138 daring do7427 discord39145 doctor caballeron912 doctor fauna630 doctor whooves11904 dragon lord ember1287 dusty pages126 fancypants2588 flash magnus978 fluttershy274264 gabby3360 gallus9166 garble2243 goldie delicious435 granny smith6221 grogar1816 king sombra18155 lighthoof737 lord tirek6798 lyra heartstrings35916 mane allgood359 maud pie15787 meadowbrook971 mistmane941 moondancer6536 mudbriar1026 ocellus6877 octavia melody28994 pinkie pie271367 princess cadance43501 princess celestia119436 princess ember9071 princess flurry heart10249 princess luna124250 queen chrysalis45057 quibble pants1724 rainbow dash296217 rarity230381 rockhoof1313 sandbar6960 scootaloo62470 shimmy shake765 shining armor29928 silverstream7922 smolder11834 snails5903 snap shutter353 snips4683 somnambula2408 spike96191 spoiled rich1605 star swirl the bearded2354 starlight glimmer63848 sugar belle3864 sunburst9449 sweetie belle60693 sweetie drops19822 terramar998 trixie83206 twilight sparkle374041 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152244 wind sprint859 yona6538 zecora11759 zephyr breeze3149 alicorn429701 changedling11398 changeling82225 changeling queen42145 classical hippogriff6370 dragon114763 earth pony631008 gargoyle385 griffon37440 hippogriff13954 pegasus699306 pony1927481 unicorn689830 yak6087 the ending of the end3889 the last problem8245 spoiler:s091142 alicornified7913 armor32035 background pony11881 bloodstone scepter1058 cozycorn980 cutie mark crusaders23342 end of ponies768 female1713250 flying55671 friendship student2055 guard armor137 guardiangoyle33 healer's mask207 lesbian125369 lyrabon4237 male515122 mane six39297 mare925835 mask10349 maudbriar287 my little pony logo6611 netitus133 ponyville town hall496 race swap22628 royal guard armor1282 royal guard rarity65 second coronation dress339 shield2813 shipping259783 smiling421420 stallion183511 straight183653 streetlight570 student six2080 sugarmac978 when she smiles1222 winged spike9771


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