
Gonna try to put this up because it’s such a beautiful Music Video.

safe2259867 edit171876 edited screencap85769 screencap294012 apple bloom64382 applejack212384 autumn blaze5849 berry punch7553 berryshine7511 big macintosh35606 button mash5020 cup cake5134 derpy hooves60159 discord39130 dj pon-334648 filthy rich1333 flash magnus977 fluttershy274112 gallus9164 grand pear348 granny smith6219 huckleberry411 king sombra18144 lightning dust5543 lord tirek6798 matilda608 maud pie15781 meadowbrook970 minuette7121 mistmane940 moondancer6526 nightmare moon21579 november rain615 ocellus6873 octavia melody28982 owlowiscious2260 pinkie pie271229 princess cadance43465 princess celestia119373 princess flurry heart10244 princess luna124183 queen chrysalis45026 rainbow dash295965 rarity230252 rockhoof1312 sandbar6958 scootaloo62427 shining armor29902 silverstream7915 smolder11823 soarin'18695 somnambula2407 spike96159 spitfire16505 star swirl the bearded2352 starlight glimmer63809 sunset shimmer85392 sweetie belle60641 tank3273 thorax5590 trixie83168 twilight sparkle373812 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152169 unicorn twilight28017 vinyl scratch34711 yona6532 alicorn429397 changedling11393 changeling82173 changeling queen42118 draconequus22032 dragon114695 earth pony630500 griffon37409 hippogriff13945 pegasus698696 pony1926165 unicorn689153 yak6083 a canterlot wedding3508 a hearth's warming tail1693 a royal problem2376 amending fences1450 apple family reunion1193 baby cakes788 castle sweet castle1479 crusaders of the lost mark1808 fall weather friends905 filli vanilli1361 friendship is magic4081 it's about time907 keep calm and flutter on1229 lesson zero1752 magic duel2435 magical mystery cure2810 maud pie (episode)1397 molt down982 no second prances2108 pinkie apple pie1121 princess twilight sparkle (episode)3009 road to friendship1764 school daze3118 school raze2580 season 12788 season 22049 season 31242 season 43223 season 51924 season 61386 season 71442 season 81933 season 91916 shadow play1423 she's all yak1331 sleepless in ponyville1415 slice of life (episode)2026 sonic rainboom (episode)1283 sounds of silence3478 tanks for the memories1629 testing testing 1-2-31542 the best night ever1793 the crystal empire3141 the crystalling2406 the cutie map4427 the cutie re-mark3586 the last roundup1263 the perfect pear1571 the return of harmony2249 to where and back again3112 twilight's kingdom3467 winter wrap up1365 absolutely everypony1 animated132474 apple family694 applejack's hat14888 background pony11876 claws7391 colt20354 cowboy hat25956 crying56903 crystal heart1209 cutie mark62393 cutie mark crusaders23319 dragoness13678 element of generosity1378 element of honesty1373 element of kindness1561 element of loyalty1595 element of magic3516 elements of harmony2902 end of ponies768 eyes closed139103 female1711713 filly98770 filly twilight sparkle3422 flying55617 friendship student2055 future twilight1248 golden oaks library6635 group hug1264 hat127209 hug38851 japanese10080 male514547 mane six39268 mare924962 music video413 photo95150 pillars of equestria327 ponies the anthology vii33 ponytones174 ponytones outfit258 ponyville8360 rainbow power3245 school of friendship1795 siblings26236 sisters21533 sky24083 sound17473 spread wings97249 stallion183233 student six2079 teenager6044 the legend of heroes3 the legend of heroes:sen no kiseki3 trails of cold steel 22 tree51538 tree of harmony825 twilight snapple2246 twilight's castle5693 wall of tags6061 we're apples to the core2 webm27059 winged spike9768 wings236376 younger23496


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