>It’s your street
>She’s taking you back to your home.
>She’s taking everypony to your home!
>You hadn’t tidied up before everything went to shit.
>All you did was hide all your dildos.
>The place is still a fucking mess.
>Wait… she isn’t going to drop the filly off there too is she?
>You grimace as you continue to follow the mare.
>Taku looks like she knows what you’re worried about as she gives you a sympathetic look.
>You reach your floor and see where the egg creature that welcomed you to this ordeal cracked open.
>The remains are gone but you can see a wet trail leading to the roof from where they should be.
>The mare stops and seems to speak silently to nopony in particular.
You intrigue me…
>The voice seems to have calmed down.
What are you? You are clearly not what you appear to be…
>She speaks again.
Is that so? and yet they follow YOU?
>She nods.
Why would you take them back there?
>She speaks more.
I see… nonetheless, I can not simply let you take them back…
>Suddenly from the floors below you hear the laughter that has haunted your group.
>The mare looks back, not particularly alarmed.
>Taku is about ready to faint.
>The mare takes Taku’s chin into her hoof and looks into her eyes an says something to her.
>Taku smiles and nods.
>She continues walking at a calm pace.
>She reaches your door and produces the object once again and holds it to the doorknob.
>This time she lets the object disappear.
>She opens the door and gestures for you to enter.
>You all file in.
>”This place is almost half as dumpy as my place.” Cipher jokes.
>”Uhh… th-thanks?” you say.
>Everypony looks at you.
>”Huh” Moonie starts
>”Honestly I thought there would be dildos everywhere”.
>If only she knew.
>The laughter is on your floor now.
>The mare and filly are still outside your door.
>The filly is clinging to the mares leg hiding behind her.
>What is she doing?
>She is looking down the hall.
>It’s coming.
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