Name: Medic
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Role: Healer
Class: Support
Origin: Germaney
Talent: Keeping ponies alive (Whether they want to be or not)
Abilities: Powerful healing magic able to close wounds, fix broken bones and repair ligaments within a couple of seconds. Due to his healing aura he is able to uncontentiously regenerate his own injuries without wasting magic. Another ability that he has is what he calls an ‘berCharge’, this allows him and his target to become invincible for a short amount of time, the berCharge is charged by Medic using his magic to heal his allies but he can force an berCharge if he has to, this however will eat into his magical supply and leave him helpless after the charge has burnt out.
Bio: Forced to flee from his homeland due to an incident with a missing skeleton, Medic found himself on the run from not only the law but also the family of those he had harmed. When he was approached and asked if he wanted to become a mercenary for the Princess of Equestria he took it, a chance to experiment on and learn from those constantly in battle with the added bonus of getting his name cleared, why wouldn’t he. But learning to speak Equestrian wasn’t easy, when first in Equestria with the rest of the Mercs he was still learning it, that’s how he befriended Heavy, the two of them able to speak each others languages easier then they could speak Equestrian. Medic ended up learning it faster and spoke it better but the two still talk to each other in their native tongues. Medic also became fast friends with Engineer due to them both having a love for science but didn’t get along well with his fellow support classes until later, with him being the only pony between them, but they soon got used to one another.