Til my feet don’t ever touch down.
‘Cause there’s nothing better than being your girl
And if I am your princess, then Daddy
You are the king of the world
I listened to this song like 26 times while doing this.
It’s a day late for Fathers’ Day, but to be fair, I got the idea in the last few hours of Fathers’ Day and worked on it most of the day today. I might add Mrs. Cake and Pound sometime if I get inspired.
The poses for these were difficult. It’s my first time drawing Mr. Cake and he’s in a position he’s never been in on the show.
I just love father-daughter stuff.
Thanks goes to
bobthelurker for the Sugarcube Corner background.
bronyboy for the reference I used for Mr. Cake
the-smiling-pony For Mr. Cake’s cutie mark
Inspired by ‘King of the World’ sung by Point of Grace
My Little Pony is Property of Hasbro