Facts about Wollffeey:
She Plays Octavia in The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, the game Welcome to Ponyville, and various cameos in Doctor Whooves Adventures.
She Plays Goodnight aka G-8 in Doctor Whooves Adventures “Good Night Goodnight” and “Good Day Goodnight”.
She Plays Daring Do in Daring Do Adventures.
She follows me on Tumblr.
And she actually used this picture as her Tumblr icon for several months.
So that’s really fucking cool.
Anyway, she plays Octavia, Daring Do, and Goodnight; so of course I drew Octavia with Daring Do’s clothes and cutie mark, and Goodnight’s mane, tail, and eyes.
In my 3 and a half years of drawing and my last 3 months of drawing ponies, this is by far the most ridiculous looking thing I’ve ever drawn XD
And that derp-ass cello…