Rarity: Frowns “Coco, you were suppose to model those diapers you know?”
Coco: “Well, I put one on and realized what time it was. I mean, I only needed one today right?”
Rarity: Smirks “Yes dear, but it needed to be clean…”
Coco: turns her head to her diaper and back at Rarity “Oh my… D-do you have another?”
Rarity: Walks up to Coco and circling her “No I’m sorry dear but that won’t work, my client is already gone…”
Coco: Blushes “I’m so sorry, I hope I didn’t cost you too much did I?”
Rarity: Smacks Coco on the Flank “Oh only an entire merchindising label”
Coco: Crying “I’m so sorry Rarity, I hate to disapoint you!”
Rarity: (Rolls Coco on her back and stands over her) “Oh don’t worry Honey, I’ll give you a second chance”
Coco: Smiles weakly “Oh my, what if your client comes back?”
Rarity: “I’ll let him watch…”