“It’s only 1% of the fanbase!”
“Those are just stereotypes!”
“Just ignore them!”
“Every fanbase has bad fans!”
“It’s just a loud minority!”
“Don’t lump us all together!”
I see these same pathetic excuses all of the time on YouTube and DeviantArt, and they annoy the hell out of me. I’m talking about the rabid white knight bronies. The ones that stand up for the fanbase so valiantly that it comes off as arrogant, childish and inconsiderate. If you’re a brony and proud of it, and you witness a brony behaving badly or acting obnoxious, don’t just stand there defending yourself; that just makes it worse. Actually make an effort to let them know they’re being rude. Good bronies are able to accept that the fanbase is full of bad eggs. And no, it’s not a “tiny part of the fanbase”. If it were a tiny part, rabid bronies wouldn’t be so widespread, and you wouldn’t have to constantly make these same, worn out excuses every time someone complains about their behaviour.