“Aaaaaahhhhhh,” Sharp yelled. Once was a battle cry just turned into a cry of fear as he escaped the small, yet powerful explosions as they caused damage to the ground and walls that they emerged from.
While it wasnt the ideal situation Spike thought, at least hes got him distracted. Spike was still weaving around the demon dogs punches and kicks, waiting for an opening to throw some green fire on it. He did so in smaller bursts, rather than the huge fame he did before, slowing the demon down, and gaining the upper hand.
The same could not be said of Magma, who was finding it much more difficult dealing with his demon dog. While he had great strength and speed, he lacked any kind of agility or combat awareness, leaving himself open to blows left and right. And while he would make the same blows on the demon dog, they didnt affect the dog in to the same degree as the dogs blows on Magma. Magma was surviving, but it didnt look like he was going to win on his own.
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