
source description:
Moondancer decided to go into sneaky mode and hugs Lightning :D
Thanks :iconribbetlion: for the base :)

Lightning is walking on Canterlot’s streets.
Young MoonDancer icon sneaks behind him and jumps to hug Lightning. Saysplz emoticon eddition Ha! Gotcha sweetie!
Lightning Saysplz emoticon edditionAA! Oh hey! You scared me Dancy!
Young MoonDancer icon Saysplz emoticon eddition giggles Sorry! Smiles
Lightning Saysplz emoticon edditionAre you doing sneaky again, aren’t you?
Young MoonDancer icon Saysplz emoticon eddition Yep. Exactly, how are you by the way?
Lightning Saysplz emoticon eddition I’m fine now that I see you smiling hugs Moondancer
Young MoonDancer icon Saysplz emoticon eddition Ooooh blushes and hugs back


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