Here you have Hoover Sweeps, who is wilizins OC, doing what can only be described as a very sexy pole dance while using his broom. I will go and say that this is all my fault. I saw his OC, I loved the design, the looks, and the idea of a janitor getting a few extra bucks by doing pole dancing at a ladies club was too appetizing for me to pass on. It was a lot of fun, because during the stream I had a really oddly fitting series of songs play. I was listening to my “AMV Hell 3” and “AMV Hell 4” playlists respectively, and if you know what’s the theme of those movies you will know that 80% of the songs are rock ballads set to very unfitting video clips. What’s better for a picture like this than that!?
I am tagging this moderately mature because, even though ponies show off their plots all the time in the actual show, there’s always people ready to complain and ask me to tag my saucy art. That’s more than fair.
I had too much fun drawing this. I might draw him again in the future, maybe even sooner than you think.
Art by James Corck.
OC’s big, round, sexy plot belongs to wilizin