Hawk Eye was anxious. “And?? What’d they say?” he inquired in anticipation.
“Actually, they were totally fine with it!” Galaxy’s solemn expression brightened into a smile in an instant. “My mom said something about how “love is love” and my dad said I’d always be be his baby girl. They were totally fine with it! Sweet Celestia, I’m so relieved…” she sighed, letting a heavy burden lift off her chest.
Hawk nudged Galaxy and winked, proud of her accomplishment. “Sweet! Told ya they’d be cool with it.”
Galaxy smirked a little, ready to turn the attention away from herself. “I know right? Now that I told my parents, you gotta tell yours!”
Hawk froze in his tracks. “What? Nonono…I can’t do that, Gal.”
“Oh come on! I’ve met your dad, how hard could it be?” Galaxy scoffed. What was his problem?
Hawk hesitated for a moment, not sure how to explain his family situation. “It’s not my Pa that’s the problem…it’s my Ma.”
“Her? What’s the worst she could do?” Galaxy asked, still oblivious to Hawk’s insecurities.
“She kicked my aunt Maud out of the family! Who’s to say she won’t kick me out too?” Hawk exclaimed fearfully.
“Oh, um, geez…” Galaxy realized just how serious Hawk’s predicament was. Nevertheless, she tried to be encouraging. “Tell you what, if she kicks you out my family will take you in! Who knows, your mom might give you a second chance this time! You can do this!”
Hawk could only gulp in fear as he had to face the inevitable…
Hawk looked in the mirror, sighing deeply. He wasn’t even born when his Ma kicked out Aunt Maud for being gay. What if he was to meet the same fate? Celestia and Chrysalis in his boyfriend’s universe would welcome him with open arms and he and Ambi could be together! But at what cost?
Limestone Pie came in the room, completely oblivious to her son’s feelings and barking orders as usual. “Hawk, quit looking at yourself! You got chores to do!”
“Ma…I got something to tell ya first. Just know that I love you and Pa more than anything…” He started shaking a bit, his usual facade of a macho stallion fading away already.
“Okay, I’m listening. Better make it quick, we got a schedule to follow!” Limestone said, impatient and still oblivious. This only made Hawk more nervous.
Hawk put his hoof on her shoulder, a shaky breath leaving him as their eye contact increasingly made him want to piss hismelf with fear. He swallowed his fear and stood up tall. “You know how sometimes I got out a lot and I tell you that I’m hanging out at the cart dealership? I-I’m actually using Bedlam’s portals to see a stallion…my boyfriend Ambrosia. Ma, I’m gay.” He held his breath, waiting for her reaction.
Limestone paused for a moment, realization striking her. She turned so her expression was hidden behind her hair and brought a hoof up to her face.
Hawk started to tear up, fearing the worst and thinking to himself, “Oh no, I better start packing…I should say goodbye to Ducky and Fi-O…”
Limestone then turned around, wiping tears away with a quivering smile on her face. His tough-as-rocks Ma was actually crying! She pulled him into a tight hug without a word.
A soft smile grew on Hawk’s face as he leaned into the hug, “M..Ma you aren’t…mad?”
Limestone pulled away and wiped her eyes. “N-no son, I love you.” She hugged him again before pulling away and glaring him in the eye. “But tell ANYPONY I cried and you won’t live to buck another stallion!”
He stayed silent for a few minutes before falling back in laughter, “You’re even fine with Ambrosia? This…went better than I expected!”
“You’re my son! What did you expect?” Limestone asked, legitimately confused by his immense relief.
Hawk hesitated a little. “But with Aunt Maud and Miss Trixie…”
Limestone scoffed. “That’s in the past! I may not agree with them but I’ve realized that was really dumb of me to kick ‘em out like that. Maud is family and so are you!”
Hawk smiled widely and put his arm around his Ma as they both walked outside, ready to start the day. Zephyr Breeze met them at the door. “Son! Rock Angel! Why’re you crying?”
“I’m not crying! I got dirt in my eye!” Limestone insisted as she wiped the rest of the moisture from her face and then slapped a hoofull of bits into Zephyr’s hoof. “Looks like you win this one!”
Zephyr smiled widely and then frantically darted his eyes between the two of them. “Really? Finally! It’s Ambrosia, isn’t it? When do you think Ducky’s gonna clean out her closet?”
Limestone glared, not wanting to make any more bets. “Don’t get any ideas about our other kids!”
Meanwhile, Turquoise Edge listened to the chatter from the next room. She grabbed two pairs of scissors and prepared to break the news later that day…