“A simple ref for my pony Melon Fizz
I was inspired by the style of ~Neitling and also the packaging illustrations of the littlest petshop blindbags when I drew this.
Melon Fizz originally was born in Fillydelphia, but managed to go on adventures and travels through whole Equestria. Its said that she is selling the best melon soda in the whole world. Maybe its because of the recept of her family, which is carried on through the generations of ponies.
In MLP Fighting is Magic, she blows bubbles to defend herself, to disorient her opponents and also stop herself from falling down to the ground.
In flying motion, her wings are flapping like a hummingbird. She is slightly hyperactive which comes from all the sugar and soda she consumes. She loves sweets and melons!
Edit: Changed her mane since I forgot about the pigtails ^^;… at least she doesnt look like a ponified Silber anymore…
Melon Fizz (c) *MintoSpirit
MLP FiM (c) Hasbro / Lauren Faust”