I am posting this, for a simple thing to say.
I am growing tired, of fan stories. But not because of the stories, be they as nonsensical as they may be.
The problem I have, is that many consider it to be ‘canon’, simply ignoring what truely happens in the series and then end up defending their opinion and ‘canon’ until death.
I have been in several debates about stories, such as Past Sins, Children of the Night, Equestria prevails and so on.. I entirely love Luna and see her as a strong pony, that learned a very valueable lesson in the very first episode.
To trust. To open your eyes and see that there is always someone who cares about you. To be strong and stand up to better yourself, if you did something wrong.
Yet, the fandom stands here, pushing Luna into the role of a tormented, sad little foal, that a dark spirit torcherd. That she was not the one who was Nightmare moon. That she is a motherly spirit, prebanishment, that sung to foals. That she would take Derpy as a soldier.
I have nothing against these stories at all. But I have a right to say my opinion as much as you. And if something isn’t canon, nopony has a right to complain at me and say it is, because they think so. Because they want it to be canon.
Nyx doesn’t exist and could never do so. Her story does not fit in canon or make sense.
Luna never sung to foals and was banished to the moon because she thought nopony liked her nights, hence making Children of the night just as much nonsense.
Equestria prevails is beautifully drawn, but horribly silly with the decisions it makes and just can not be taken seriously.
You still can like the stories. You can still draw fanart for them. I have no problem with them.
Just accept, that some people don’t like it. Don’t bitch at them, if they state their opinion. Love and tolerate.
But I am growing tired of this fandom. Growing tired of what it produces and how it ends up protecting it, against other opinions. I never did so myself. I simply accept the fact, that not everyone will like what I do. That’s just how things are. No need to be mean to those people.