Cozy Glow just stood still, looking around for anyone else the filly could be talking to. After awhile, she responded. “Hi.”
“You’re pretty! I like your wings!”
“…thanks.” She saw out of the corner of her eye a very familiar purple alicorn sprinting down the hall, and quickly shuffled about six feet backwards.
Twilight looked at the two, and pushed herself in front of her daughter. “Hello, Cozy.”
It would be a very long time until they met again.
Ok so basically Twilight’s attitude towards Cozy Glow is much like hers towards Trixie in that episode where her and Starlight become friends (I don’t feel like looking it up, sorry); she’s very hesitant to trust her. And she especially doesn’t trust her around her little pride and joy.
MLP base #41-I’m flying%%
MLP base #71-My dear sister