When she was a little filly learning how to create fire using her magic, she’d practice by trying to burn autumn leaves. Once she mastered making little embers on those leaves, she decided to try practicing to make bigger flames without the use of leaves to help her. Unfortunately, she made a few mistakes along the way. When she was a filly, she’d often cause accidental fires that would spread like crazy and she has accidentally burned herself a few times. Because of this, her peers would avoid talking to her because they were rather scared of her. Her teachers on the other hand, were rather supportive but still rather concerned for her safety and well being. With that being said, she struggled making friends her age but bonded quite well with adults when she was growing up.
But despite those mistakes, with some more practice she finally got the hand of controlling the flames she created with her magic when she was a teenager. And when she was an adult, she even learned to “tame” flames that she didn’t make with her magic.
Because of this, she eventually did live performances and used her magic center stage. She’d make leaves turn on fire and levitate, make fire hoops and jump through them, and make fire art among other fire related shows and effects. Outside of this job she also became a volunteer firefighter so she could use her magic to help calm down fires when others needed the help.