Nicknames: Dust
Parents: Rainbow Dash, Flash Magnus
Age: 24
Place of residence: Ponyville
Fire Dust has a complex temper. He is very irritable and doesnt like to be ordered to do anything. This pony is ready to argue forever, ready to do anything to prove that he is right and if he loses in the dispute, pegasus will never admit defeat But he was always so unfriendly. When he was 4 years old, his parents divorced and his father took him with him. All his life he was told that Rainbow Dash is a terrible mother and he should not communicate with her. Of course he was bored and wanted to see his mother, but he constantly heard from his father some insults to her and eventually his opinion of her changed. When Fire found out that he had sisters, he realized that his mother had replaced him with them and an insult had appeared in the pegasus
s heart. But once he saw his sister West Rain. At first, their relationship was terrible, but then they reconciled and began to communicate normally. Dust was glad he found a common language with at least one of the sisters, although with Toxic he can not communicate well either.