Nicknames: -
Age: 27
Parents : Rarity and Fancy Pants
Heather is the eldest daughter of Rarity, she a real aristocrat. All her life she was an ordinary happy child, but after she and her family traveled to Canterlot, Heather set a goal - settled in this city. In the end, she succeeded and now Heather is a popular pony on Canterlot. Sometimes she comes to her native Ponyville, but not for long, since in the city where she now lives there are many cases and they can not be postponed.Heather constantly visits various activities of aristocrats, for example, exhibitions of paintings, auctions, performances or ballets, etc.
Character traits:
Heather is a very strict pony, able to keep everything in his hooves. Since she lives in a society of aristocrats, she behaves like them: proudly raising her head,speak elegantly. When she arrives in Ponyville, she tries to teach her sister Crystal Crown the same manners, but more often than not nothing comes out and Heather tries again do it. With her sister Heather relations tense. They do not really communicate, and if they ыee each other , it’s only for the sake of lessons of good manners. Heather often makes a remark Crystal, and she in turn suffers everything without going into conflict with her sisterHeather does not allow herself to be emotional, so often her emotions are “incomplete” and sometimes incomprehensible. And only her family can understand what she really feels
Place of Residence: Canterlot